Children’s book writing, illustration, and design

With a focus on storytelling, Kaley creates engaging children's books that captivate young minds. As both author and illustrator, she meticulously storyboards each narrative, carefully mapping out the storyline from conflict to resolution. She thoughtfully plans visual themes to reflect the essence of the story, experimenting with various illustration tools and color palettes to evoke the desired emotions and bring the narrative to life.

Kaley initiates the illustration process by meticulously developing the physical attributes of her characters. Once she has established their distinct look and style, she proceeds to sketch the settings in which these characters will appear. By exploring multiple possibilities for each scene, she ensures that the illustrations accurately reflect the atmosphere and narrative of the story. Kaley’s diverse background in various media allows her to seamlessly blend different illustrative techniques, adding a fresh perspective to each book while maintaining her unique artistic style.

Below some examples of character workshopping.

Finally, Kaley begins working on the layout of the physical book and testing fonts. Each aspect of this process—such as margins, image balance, and consistency of flow—is thoughtfully considered to ensure every design element effectively conveys the story's message whilst also maintaining visual engagement.